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Ana Moore Real Estate Coordinator

Favorite Quote

“In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just being.” Eckhart Tolle

What are the values that drive you?

Respect; Going beyond simply being polite. Treating everyone with dignity and worth. Compassion; Actively understanding and empathizing with the experience and challenges of others without judgement or assumptions. Kindness; Involving understanding, empathy, support, and recognition always aids in everyone’s wellbeing. 

What do you enjoy doing when not at work?

I enjoy gardening. I find solace in the repetitive motions of planting, watering, and pruning. Gardening is my favorite way to spend a Saturday morning after enjoying a trip to the Farmer’s Market. Nurturing a living thing and watching it grow is a tremendous source of pride and fulfillment. Hands in the dirt, head in the sun and heart with nature!